Who We Are

Board of Directors
Archbishop Robert Duncan, Chairman
Bishop Keith Ackerman
Archbishop Foley Beach (ex officio)
The Rev Austin Mansfield
The Rev Dr Greg Peters
Bishop Ray Sutton, Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. Laurie Thompson
Rev. Dr. Hans Boersma
The Rev. Dr. Christopher Stroup, President and CEO
Ellen Kirkland, VP Anglican House Books
John McLaughlin, CFO and Secretary
Ashey, The Rev. Canon Phil
- Anglican Conciliarism –The Church Meeting to Decide Together (2017)
Davis, Bud, PhD
- Celebrate Anglicanism –The Faith Anglicans Have Always Believed, Taught and Practiced (2014)
Fenwick, John, Presiding Bishop, The Free Church of England
- Anglican Ecclesiology and The Gospel–The Renewing of a Vision (2016)
Fitzgerald, The Rev. Joey
- The Nicene Creed Illustrated and Instructed for Kids (2016)
- Spanish Edition (2019)
- Portuguese Edition (2020)
Green, The Rev. Cn. Dr. Michael
- The Way Forward – Nurturing New Believers (2013)
Kincaid, The Rev. Zachry
- Road Sign Gospel, St. Luke’s Gospel related in road signs (2017)
Klein, The Rev. John William, PhD
- Acts 2:42 — Apostolicity and the Church’s One Foundation (2020)
Noll, The Rev. Dr. Stephen
- Letter to the Churches–Text with Commentary (2018)
- The Global Anglican Communion–Contending for Anglicanism 1993-2018 (2018)
- Wed Talks (Audio Book 2018)
- Holy Matrimony Presentation Booklet (2016)
- Global Anglican Essays (2020)
Packer, The Rev Canon Dr J.I.
- Baptism and Regeneration (Monograph 2015)
Rodgers, The Rt. Rev. John Th.D
- The 39 Articles of Religion Commentary with Introduction to Systematic Theology (Kindle edition 2015)
- Digital download (2020)
Speers, Canon Ron
- Surprising Merrily (60 minute movie) in which Cranmer, Hooker and Lewis surprise prickly television host Merrily Inclement (2012)
Stephans, The Rev. Craig
- To Be Silent, The Too Busy Church The place of silence in corporate worship (2019)
Stewart, The Rev. Canon Michael
- In His Time, Learning something of how God tells time (Devotional (2019)
Walters, The Rt. Rev. Trevor
- EAS Syndrome, Healing Burnout in Adults lacking Parental Affirmation (2016)
- The Power of Christian Mediation, Realizing Spirit Led Outcomes (2019)
Young, The Rev. Cathie
- Gold in the Road – Through the Cancer Storm with Jesus Christ (2017)
More Credits
Anglican Church in North America
- Texts for Common Prayer (2013)
- Texts for Common Prayer II (2018)
- The Book of Common Prayer 2019
- To Be A Christian–An Anglican Catechism (2014)
- To Be A Christian–An Anglican Catechism Revised Ed. (2020)
- The New Coverdale Psalms (Goatskin leather Ed. 2020)
Reformed Episcopal Church (ACNA)
- Magnify the Lord — a 21st Century Anglican Hymnal (2020)
- The Book of Common Praise 2017
Anglican House Publishers
- English Standard Version of the Bible with Apocrypha –Anglican Liturgy Press Edition (2019)
People who have endorsed our titles or written forewords:
Letter to the Churches–Text with Commentary (Stephen Noll)
- Foreword: Dr. Peter Jensen, Gafcon General Secretary
The Global Anglican Communion (Stephen Noll)
- Archbishop Munier Anis (Egypt)
- The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey, American Anglican Council CEO
- Bishop Bill Atwood, ACNA Dean for International Affairs
- Archbishop Foley Beach, Gafcon Chairman
- Archbishop Robert Duncan
- Professor Joseph Galgalo (Kenya)
- Professor Edith Humphry
- Bishop Jack Iker
- Archbishop Peter Jensen (Australia)
- Bishop Grant LeMarquand (Horn of Africa)
- Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (England)
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. Ashley Null
- Archbishop Nicolas Okoh (Nigeria)
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. J.I. Packer
- Bishop Rennis Ponniah (Singapore)
- Fr. Patrick Reardon (Antiochian Orthodox)
- Vaughan Roberts (St. Ebbs Church, Oxford)
- Dr. John Senyoni (Uganda Christian University)
- The Rev Dr Mark Thompson
- The Rev Dr Philip Turner
- Professor Kevin Vanhoozer
- Archbishop Eliud Wabukaka (Nigeria)
- Bishop Tito Zavala (Chile)
Anglican Conciliarism (Phil Ashey)
- Bishop FitzSimons Allison
- Bishop David Anderson
- Archbishop Mouneer Anis (Egypt)
- Archbishop Foley Beach
- Dr. Martin Davie (England)
- Professor Norman Doe (Wales)
- Archbishop Robert Duncan
- Bishop John Fenwick (England)
- Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (England)
- The Rev. Dr. Stephen Noll
- The Venerable Norman Russell (England)
- Robert Tong (Order of Australia)
- Archbishop Eliud Wabukaka (Nigeria)
Anglican Ecclesiology (John Fenwick)
- Foreword: Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (England)
- Bishop FitzSimons Allison
- Bishop David Anderson
- Archbishop Mouneer Anis (Egypt)
- The Rev Canon Larry Bausch
- Archbishop Foley Beach
- Bishop Royal Grote
- Bishop Don Harvey (Canada)
- Bishop David Hicks
- Archbishop Anthony Mikovsky (Union of Scranton)
- Bishop Martyn Minns
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. J.I. Packer
- Bishop John Rodgers
- Dr. John Senyoni (Uganda Christian University)
- Bishop Ray Sutton, Ph.D.
- The Rev. Dr. Laurie Thompson
- Bishop Trevor Walters
Reformation Anglicanism (Chuck Collins)
- Foreword: The Rev. Cn. Dr. Ashley Null
- Archbishop Foley Beach
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. J.I. Packer
- The Rev. Canon David H. Roseberry
- The Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry (England)
Celebrate Anglicanism (Bud Davis)
- Foreword: Archbishop Robert Duncan
- Bishop Terry Kelshaw
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. Michael Green
- Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali
- The Rev. Dr. John W. Yates, II
- The Rev. Dr. Greg Peters
EAS Syndrome (Trevor Walters with Jim Stanley, M.D.)
- Professor Jack Balswick
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. J.I. Packer
- David Stoop, CP, PhD
- The Rev. Canon Phil Ashey
- Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (England)
Gold in the Road–Through the Cancer Storm (Cathie Young)
- The Rev. Dr. Travis Boline
- Cheryl Dale, Psy. Dr.
- The Rev. Dr. Claudia Greggs
- Pastor Chad Halliburton
- Chris King, PhD, M.D, (External Beam Radiation, UCLA)
- Marie La Fargue, MPH
- Caroline McLaughlin
- Rev. Jeffery Paparone
- Jessica Rhee, M.D. (Oncology)
- David Stoop, CP, PhD
- Mitchell Yockelson, PhD
- Eleanore Zetrenne, M.D. (Reconstructive Surgery)
Road Sign Gospel (Zach Kincaid)
- Sarah Arthur
- Dr. Randall Balmer, Dartmouth College
- The Rev. Bill Haley
To Be Silent, The Too Busy Church (Craig Stephans)
- Foreword: The Rev. Dr. Laurie Thompson
Contributing Authors:
- Bishop Keith Ackerman
- The Rev. Larry Bausch
- Sally Breedlove
- The Rev. Paul Dajur, Ph.D (Nigeria)
- Jim Dale
- Bud Davis, PhD
- Alan Fadling, Founder, Unhurriedliving.com
- The Rev. Rob Holman
- Bishop Todd Hunter
- The Rev. Elizabeth Khorey
- The Rev. Timothy Laundrie
- The Rev. Dr. David Montzingo
- The Rev. Dr. Dennis Okholm Ph.D.
- Bishop John Rodgers
- Eric Sohlgren
- The Rev. Canon Mike Stewart (Canada)
- Bishop Ray Sutton, Ph.D.
- Bishop Trevor Walters
In His Time (Michael Stewart)
- Bishop Charles Masters (Canada)
- Eric Sohlgren
- Bishop Trevor Walters (Canada)
- The Rev. Cathie Young
The Power of Christian Mediation (Trevor Walters)
- Foreword: Archbishop Foley Beach
Contributing Authors:
- The Rev. Mark Scholander
- The Rev. Cn. Phil Ashey
- Jack Lewis, J.D.
- The Rev. Cn. Jonathan Millard
- The Hon. George Peagler
The Way Forward–Nurturing New Believers (Michael Green)
- Archbishop Robert Duncan
- Bishop Todd Hunter
- The Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry (England)
- Don Willet, PhD
- The Rev. Dr. John W. Yates, II
Surprising Merrily–The Movie (Ron Speers)
- Bishop Keith Ackerman
- The Rev. Dr. Michael Green (England)
- Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali (England)
- The Rev. Cn. Dr. J.I. Packer